80p STAMP SHEET (10 x Stamps)
One of the good things about eBay is that with the right search wording, and playing around with the words, you can come across items which you were previously totally unaware of, even if you have a specialised knowledge on the theme. Two days ago, I was looking through different ways of putting the ‘Falklands War’ into the search engine. One of these brought up a set of stamps issued in 2014 which commemorate the 350th anniversary of the Royal Marines. Six stamps showing engagements down through the centuries. Imagine my surprise when I saw that the 80p stamp is dedicated to the Falklands Conflict. Obviously, I had to have this, but then I saw that the stamps came in a sheetlet of 10. That I definitely wanted, but to buy this I needed to buy the entire set of six 10 stamp sheets, which is not a cheap option, but I clearly opted to buy, and now have this stunning sheet (and the five others, which I depict below for your interest although clearly they are not connected to the Falklands directly, but I always keep things like this together, and they are quite nice). So, although I am now £60 poorer, I do have another smashing item for my collection.
25TH MAY 2002
Special Handstamp on plain envelope
The four envelopes depicted here arrived this morning and were an eBay buy for just £1 plus postage (a bargain I thought)
The 25th May was the date that the ships HMS Coventry and the Atlantic Conveyor were hit by exocet missiles.
12TH JUNE 2002
Special Handstamp on plain envelope
The 12th June is the anniversary date for a number of incidents. On the morning of this date the attacks on Mount Harriet, Mount Longdon and Two Sisters had all ended successfully by sunrise. HMS Glamorgan was hit by a land based Exocet missile and the Black Buck 7 bomber raid was conducted against a radar installation at Stanley.
The Argentine post office also issued a pair of stamps on this date one of which depicts the islands (copies can be seen mounted on an earlier page).
The above 5 sheets were bought on eBay and came together. It is always nice to get something which someone else has already researched and written up. I will probably now keep these sheets as they are as I have my mounted display complete so do not need to re-mount these ones. I also like the additional images and although old these are neatly prepared.
Acquired 01/04/2020
Quite a collectible cover - signed by Lt Keith Mills DSC, RM, who had led the force protecting the island of South Georgia when the Argentine forces attacked. When advised to make only a token resistence he allegedly said "Sod that, I'll make their eyes water". His detachment of 22 marines then caused damage to the Srgentine corvette RA Guerrico, hitting her with an anti-tank rocket, and shot down a puma helicopter.
I have a copy of this aerogramme used first day of issue in my diaplay, but I did not until recently have a mint copy, which I now do.
These Falkland Islands Darwin stamps were due for release on 19th April 1982 and as is often the case with official postal authorities the first day covers were prepared in advance and here stamped first day of issue 19-04-82, but then the Argentine forces invaded the island on the 2nd of April and the stamps could not be relesed. The covers already prepared were held back. Once the liberation took place on the 14th June, and the postal system placed back in the hands of the Falklands postal staff the Darwin stamps were re-allocated a new release date for the 5th July 1982, and these pre-cancelled covers received an additional PORT STANLEY, cancel applied away from the stamps, which was dated 5th July. This is one of the unusual philatelic stories from the Falklands War.
I have found that the EUROPIC FERRY - FALKLAND ISLANDS - TASK FORCE-1982 cachet is one of the hardest to find now. It took me years to find this very nice one, which came with the bonus of the letter still enclosed within the envelope (see below)
Letter that came with the above cover
I also have this cover used FDI with the miniature stamp sheet for this issue - this appears in my display
The 30th Anniversary of the Falklands War cancel used to produce first day covers for Royal Mail stamps issues in 2012
Included because, understandably, the Falkland Islands decided to have the Vulcan Bomber on one of their stamps, although all the planes depicted have a connection with either the war or the post war period.
Signed by Sir Rex Hunt
No direct Falklands War connection, but the cover artwork does include a Harrier Jet.
Another 'JOINT DECLARATION' cachet cover - 1980 - this also has an Islands map/cruise cachet in black, the other one of these I have on cover - in my display - has this cachet in green
One of the loosest connections, but the islands do appear on the map printed on the cover. This cover came with some Falklnd Islands history covers I bought and I decided to keep it.
This large piece came with a bundle of items I bought which did relate to the Falklands War and the period prior to the conflict. The date on the cancel cannot be made out, but I thought it interesting enough to keep, and perhaps to do some investigative work on in the future.
Forces Mail – South Atlantic – Maritime Mail London cancellation. Mail posted from the Falkland Islands and connected islands.
This envelope, and the ones depicted below were all posted in the same month as the Falkland Islands were liberated (14th June 1982). This is all early outgoing mail post liberation.
Forces Mail – South Atlantic – Maritime Mail London cancellation. Mail posted from the Falkland Islands and connected islands
Forces Mail – South Atlantic – Maritime Mail London cancellation. Mail posted from the Falkland Islands and connected islands
Forces Mail – South Atlantic – Maritime Mail London cancellation. Mail posted from the Falkland Islands and connected islands